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7 days into Kickstarter.. What’s next?

You did it! In just a week you made the NFC Ring not only a reality but possibly humanities best shot at making wearable technology a movement powered by the people. You already smashed some Stretch goals and got some great things available: – Multiple ring/inlay pledge options – Sweet spot sticker with every ring […]

Security Design

So today we hit £60,000 which is double our target amount.. and there’s still 26 days to go! Thank you to everyone that’s shown their support by backing and making pledges! Share the news with your friends about the awesome NFC Ring 🙂 A lot of questions have come about toddy about the security of […]

Rackspace NFC Ring challenge

Rackspace are giving away 100$ free hosting to anyone who can get the private key from their NFC Ring at DEFCON. Look out for the guy wearing the t-shirt with the challenge details on.. This might seem like a really bad idea for us but we want hackers to own this technology, not p0wn it.. […]