Archive by Author

NFC Ring Webinar

John is doing a webinar for Farnell / Element 14 on the 24th of September. The topic is wearable technology. He will mostly be focusing on the potential of wearable rings but I will also cover bracelets and how I hope wearable technology can disrupt the resource hungry jewelry industry. Attend the 9am GMT session […]

We’re funded! Thank you!

Wow, what an amazing effort by everyone involved. 7664 backers have taken part in bring the NFC ring to life raising a total of £241,869. What’s next? Vote for your favourite color / design on twitter / faceache. We will be in touch soon with a survey about your requirements. Keep your eye on this […]

NFC Ring Abroad – Part 4 – Farewell China!

We’re nearly there! Thank you everyone, your efforts have been amazing. A special thanks goes out to Tim S, Audi and the BBC! Jump onto Twitter @nfcring or Facebook and vote for your favorite color and for the Kickstarter limited edition tag. Note that when voting for your favorite color we did forget to […]

New Reward: The Collection

Due to popular demand we’re adding The Collection early! This includes a Normal NFC Ring, Alpha Ring and the option of a Stealth Bomber Edition Ring. You will also get 3 inlays, 1x 16mm, 1x 120mm, 1x 30mm. These all come with a presentation box and a chain to keep those extra rings on! All […]

NFC Ring Abroad – Part 3 – Major update!

Big News! £300k Stretch goal set! Scroll to the bottom of this update if you want to get straight to the good stuff. Get a ring for the lady in your life. We have just introduced rings at sizes US 4, 4.5, 5 and 5.5. There is only 3 days left to upgrade your pledge. […]

NFC Ring Abroad – Part 2 – China Update

Hey guys, really sorry for the late update, we’re having a huge time here in China. Thank you all so much for giving us the opportunity to head here and work on the Ring for you. There are 5 days left to change your pledge to one of the amazing offers we have on including […]