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Archive by Author
Join us on IRC
We’re on IRC so for real time NFC Ring action you can join us at: Server: Channel: #nfcring
Production, shipping, moving mountains, fiber, apps, deadlines, Q&A, pre-orders and press/media
TLDR Some of our team are in China overseeing production to get them pushed through as accurately & fast as possible We will email you individually when we ship your ring (add to your safe senders list), we’re still on schedule to ship the next phase of rings in 2 or 3 weeks so […]
Shipping begins! Stickers, Packaging, App updates, Nexus 5/7 and Carbon Fiber
This is a slightly different format for updates, we decided to split videos down into sections so you can cherry pick the bits you want to hear about. TLDR version; Shipping: The first phase of rings begin shipping out to backers tomorrow and we continue shipping over the next 6 weeks Numbers: We have had […]
Finding your Sweet Spot
When you receive your NFC Ring the first thing you will need to do is locate your NFC Ring Sweet Spot. The NFC Ring Sweet Spot is the location on the back of your phone or tablet where your NFC Ring will work. The Sweet Spot moves from phone to phone and tablet to tablet. It […]
Be an NFC Ring beta tester
It’s really simple to join our beta testing fellowship. Just subscribe to our beta testers mailing list and then follow the link(s) on this thread This option is only available to Android padowans right now, Windows Phone may happen, if you want it shout loud about it.
NFC Ring Production, Quality Assurance, Limited Edition Kickstarter Covers, Nexus 5 & App updates
Production update We’re due to begin our phase 1 shipment tracking number on the 20th of January which gives the rings 10 days to get out of Asia and onto a plane. As soon as they are on a plane it will take about 2 weeks to get them through customs and to our US […]
Big App Update
Hey Everyone, welcome to 2014, the year of the NFC Ring. Production update Over Christmas and New year our team in the UK took it relatively easy, spending time with family and friends. China was very much running at 100%, producing as many rings as possible so we can meet our mid-late Jan shipping deadline […]
Christmas card for backers
Here is a printable gift card you can give to your loved ones for Christmas, we’re sorry the rings aren’t done in time.. Obviously this isn’t a perfect replacement for the ring but it should hopefully help those who want to give something that tells a bit of a story.
Returns and Refund policy, have your say
Have your say on our returns and refund policy, below is a pad with a general plan created by the NFC Ring community, try to keep it simple and understandable please. Our team will periodically jump in and try to sanitize / clean things up!