Since launching our first Rings in 2013 we’ve learnt a lot about hardware. One thing that is easily overlooked is fulfillment – just how do you go from factory to the doors and mailboxes of backers, friends and innovators? Getting shipment of Rings that pass QA tests is one hurdle we’ve pretty much got solved […]
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RSS feed for this sectionFree NFC Rings for Creatives
Today we’re pleased to show our support for makers, creators, hackers and tinkerers by offering some 2013 QA FAIL NFC Ring packs for hackers! A percentage of the 2013(Not our latest rings) NFC Rings failed our QA tests in some way so these rings have some fault. The fault could be that it has a […]
Be an NFC Ring beta tester
It’s really simple to join our beta testing fellowship. Just subscribe to our beta testers mailing list and then follow the link(s) on this thread This option is only available to Android padowans right now, Windows Phone may happen, if you want it shout loud about it.
Windows Phone and BlackBerry Apps
We’re opening our Blackberry and Windows Phone apps up for testing before you get your rings. You can test them with any NFC Tag, all feedback, bug reports and pull requests are appreciated. Please file and issues you find on our issue tracker Windows Phone XAP Blackberry JAD